I feel like I have aged more in the past two weeks than I have my entire college career. My friends are graduating, taking big job opportunities all over the USA, getting married, and having babies. And yes I am just excited I am getting a puppy!
As my team and I just completed what has been a major milestone in our lives, we were named the Reserve National Champion Livestock Judging Team. It has hit me the first time I am having to completely let go of the stock show life. It will always be a big part of me but I like to think I am on to bigger and better things.
I have always been a dreamer and I am proud to announce I am starting my own business!!
For years and years, ever since I was little, I would help my Grandma in her salon or my Mimi in her flower and gift shop I have dreamed of someday having my own store. The way I see it there is no time like the present.
The Lord gives you today, he doesn't promise you tomorrow or the next day, get off your feet and start living your dreams. I have always been a firm believer dreams don't just happen, they are a mystery, but I believe they are mysteries from God. And they are meant to be chased.
I would also like to take a moment and say THANK YOU! to all my friends, and family for supporting me, and showing me the most continuous love. Life can get scary and bumpy but with each one of yall holding my hand its a road worth wild. I also want to apologize for not texting, or calling back. I have gotten in the bad habit lately. I will do better.
It's hard when a chapter closes, but it usually turns out that what comes next is just as great! Good luck on the store!